Allow Me.....

Okay. The economy still is not in a good place. You have a little side-line hobby. You make some terrific "widgets". Maybe you could sell them to people who like them too...only you know how to make them. Odyssey design could put a webpage together for you (with or without your own URL). Then, that little webpage could be advertised on your own business cards, with that link to your webpage on the business card. You give the cards out, people go to your site, they contact you because they like your widgets, and wish to buy some. What a deal!!!! That's what Odyssey Design helps you to do....get the word out about your widgets- pictures of them, the price, the colors, materials used to make them, and what they are used for (if it isn't obvious). If you like the widgets enough to make them....don't you think there are others who like them too? Thank about it. Promote! Promote! Promote!


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