It's the Face of

Hello. I am still working diligently on web-design. I have recently completed webpages for Cupboard Space (small business), a larger personal site for Chris Conlin, including her 80th birthday party in April 2010, and a medical-researched webquest, that I continue working on daily. All of the sites may be found on the one link: Links to most of my websites are on that one page.

I continue to try to keep abreast of a lot of the new technology in computers and software. There is just so much of it. I upgraded to a new desktop computer in Feb. 2010, and it is serving me well. With several changes in my personal life, I am so motivated to do more writing and researching - for my own use, and for others. I love to learn new things, and broaden my knowledge about this wonderful world of computers, people, situations, concepts. I continue to think that the internet is truly the "information highway". You need to be careful; sometimes you end up taking a wrong exit, and it may be many miles before you discover you are on the wrong track.

I will try anything new on the computer, and love to continue to meet the needs of friends and family in my small business Odyssey Design. I sometimes actually poke around Facebook to see what others are doing. It is a great concept for bringing folks together. I am just a click away. Amy


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